Learning, Freedom and the Web, the book I wrote with the Mozilla community on the future of open education, is really coming together! It’ll appear sometime around the end of May in print-0n-demand, as a free, downloadable PDF, and possibly as some kind of tablet version, and will carry a Creative Commons license.
Here are some of the wonderful preliminary designs from Chris Appleton, who writes:
“We set out to capture the energy of a movement and share practical tools for people working at the intersection of learning and the open web. We all know the web is changing how we learn. This book seeks to provide leverage at this inflection point, building upon and supporting the momentum of those working on solutions.”
It has been so fun, interesting and collaborative working on this project with the Mozilla community, and I am looking forward to getting creative with the production and launch phases! You can see more, read some community feedback on the designs, and post some of your own at Matt Thompson’s blog.