I sent out an email this week to all 3700 people in my Google contacts, letting them know that they could pre-order DIY U. from Amazon. I got amazing messages back from long-lost friends, relatives, and this note from Richard Stallman, who I interviewed once for a story, which I am sharing with you in the name of free software:

It is not good to buy books from Amazon, because that means Big
Brother knows what books you bought.  Likewise, it is not good to
recommend that people buy anything from Amazon: some people might DO
it (although I never would).

(You can also pre-order directly from the publisher, or from your local independent bookstore.)

That aside, I really, really appreciate everyone’s feedback and encouragement. People say writing is solitary work but the support you get from a community of readers and family and friends at a moment like this is truly tremendous. Two of my best friends are a public school principal and a family court lawyer, and I wish I had more opportunities to publicly cheer them on the way people have been doing for me.

So….Thank You!

2 Responses to “Thank you to Everyone I Know!”

  1. Congratulations, Anya. We in the higher education sector (those that are reformers, at least) are looking forward to reading the book.
    Keith Hampson, PhD

  2. admin says:

    Thank You Keith!
    I think there are a lot of reformers out there in the ranks of higher educators.
    At least, I hope so! And I keep meeting them.

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